
The Weather Alerts feature helps ensure that employees are aware of extreme weather conditions, enabling employers to take necessary precautions to maintain a safe workplace. This feature supports the implementation of OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention Initiative (HIIP), which mandates employers to educate and protect workers from heat-related hazards. Additionally, the feature provides alerts about other weather conditions such as extreme cold or storms, further enhancing workplace safety. 

Key Highlights 

  • Weather Alerts trigger based on Temperature and Heat Index thresholds.
  • Allows the customization of messages and attachments to be displayed with the Weather Alert.
  • Provides Multi-Notification channels; the weather alerts are displayed in-app banner, email, and push notifications.

Configuring Weather Alerts

PREREQUISITE: Users must have the "Weather Alerts and Business Hierarchy - Latitude and Longitude" Site Settings enabled to configure Weather Alerts.

PREREQUISITE: Users must have "System Administration - List Data" role to configure weather alerts.

In order to configure Weather Alerts:

  1. Select Administration from the Navigation Menu 
  2. Select Weather Alerts (Home / Administration / Weather Alerts)
  3. Select Add Item to create a Weather Alert
  4. Fill out the Details section
  5. Configure the Audience Visibility 
  6. Set the Alert Criteria, Location Source, and Notifications
  7. Select the Save button

Once the Weather Alert has been configured, the selected audience will receive email notifications and push notifications on their Dashboard page in the form of a banner when the alert criteria is met. 

A screenshot of a email

Description automatically generated

NOTE: When a user is in the target audience of an alert that uses GPS location source it will be prompted to share their location the next time they launch the app.




Title, Body, & Attachments - The information entered in these fields will appear in alert banners and email notifications.


Audience - This can be set to Everyone; Wish will make the Alert visible to everyone on the Business Entity or By Assignment for specific assignments, prompting an assignment selection step to specify the desired visibility. 

Alert Criteria 

Criteria Type - Allow the option to choose the criteria to be based on either Heat Index or Temperature.

Range - It allows to define above and below temperature thresholds in Celsius or Fahrenheit. 

Location Source

Can be users’ mobile GPS location, the location of their home Business Entity (BE), or both.

  • Mobile GPS Location - Requires users to install the mobile app and allow location tracking.
  • User's Home Business Entity - Requires GPS Coordinates to be defined on Business Entities.
  • Either Mobile GPS or Home Business Entity - Use either method of identifying a user's location.


Will be sent via email and push notifications to the selected User/Contacts type. If the Audience has been set By Assignment, only the matching User/Contacts will receive the notification. 

Send Notification To - Allows the option to choose the User/Contact type that will receive the notification.

  • Users, Guests, Kiosks, and Devices
  • Managed Contacts


Alert Triggers

Based on temperature and heat index thresholds using OSHA's classifications:

  • Caution: 80°F – 90°F HI
  • Extreme Caution: 91°F - 103°F HI
  • Danger: 103°F - 124°F HI
  • Extreme Danger: 126°F or higher HI


My Weather Dashboard Panel

The "My Weather" panel feature can be added via Dashboard Designer without requiring any additional site settings. It can be configured to display the current temperature or heat index in a 5-day forecast, defaulting to the user's home Business Entity location if GPS is enabled. Users also have the option to modify the settings to display the weather forecast for their desired location and choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit. 

Important Considerations 

  • In-App Banner:
    • Alerts appear as a banner at the top of dashboards or the home page.
    • Automatically triggered each time criteria are met, but not more than once every 4 hours.
    • Users can dismiss alerts by selecting the ‘X’ on the banner.
    • Alert icons: Orange for high temperatures, blue for low temperatures (above/below 60°)

  • Email & Push Notifications:
    • Users who meet the alert criteria will receive notifications.
    • Users must opt-in to location sharing via the EHS Insight mobile app to receive location-based alerts.


Site Settings

Site Settings can be enabled or disabled to show or hide various components of a form.

Site Setting


Weather Alerts

Enable Weather Alerts.

 Latitude and Longitude

Enable support for GPS location on Business Entities.